Le souffle de l’aube – Fleuve Espace Danse
Crédit photo: Emie-Liza Caron St-Pierre
Ce que le jour doit à la nuit - Compagnie Hervé KOUBI
Crédit Photo Nathalie STERNALSKI
Traditional Future - Fernando Anuang'a
Photo credit: Ronan Lieětar
Body Talk Hip Hop Pow Wow 2022
Photo credit: Arrowsmith Media
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Momentous Moves: Dance Into the Future with Crimson Coast Dance!

Crimson Coast Dance is kicking off our unique fundraising campaign.

We need YOU to join the movement!

For 26 years, we’ve been enriching Nanaimo with world-class, accessible dance experiences while empowering local artists, youth, and communities. With your help, we’ll keep the rhythm alive despite quantum budgetary changes.
Your Support Makes a Difference
Dance is more than art—it’s connection, well-being, and cultural heritage. Together, let’s ensure it thrives for generations to come.


Welcome to

Ah siem, tsi a thelé tu Snuneymuxw Mustimuxw ni hakwush th tun tumuxw uy’tuna kweyul.
We give our highest gratitude to Snuneymuxw First Nation as we do our work on your lands.

The mission of Crimson Coast Dance Society is to develop and support contemporary dance creations, productions, performances and educational opportunities at both grassroots and professional levels in central Vancouver Island.

Crimson Coast Dance is passionate about bringing diverse, high-calibre artistic opportunities to the Nanaimo area, which would not otherwise be available. These opportunities provide the Nanaimo community with a remarkable opportunity to learn from established professional artists in addition to seeing their performance work in a fully staged performance environment.

Crimson Coast Dance Association is thrilled to announce that we offer ASL interpreter services for all our events. If you wish to book an interpreter, please email us at dance@crimsoncoast.com

On-Going Events

Our Hybrid Future

Access our archive of engaging discussions on technology and art!

Dance Trail

An augmented reality dance piece you can take with you!

Mixed Abilities Dance Jam

First Friday Each Month

Our Programming


We present live performance art by Locally, Regionally, Nationally and Internationally recognized artists all year long through our Main Stage Series and each summer at our annual Dance Festival. Scale varies from Grande Spectacle to home-grown offerings, in theatres, in alternative venues, in situ. Festivals, Pop-up and interactive events season a vibrant presentation series.

Click to Learn More

Body Talk Workshop Event


Workshops take the form of one-off or series classes, Master Classes, specialty workshops, residencies and laboratories. These interactions, with each guest artists on our season roster, local masters, and those getting their feet wet, are offered throughout the year for all participants. Audiences get to learn craft and experience movement in new ways!

Click to Learn More


We are delighted to offer ongoing dance experiences that are inclusive and educational and reach diverse age groups. These include integrated dance classes as well as opportunities for teens to explore career options in the performing arts. The Body Talk Program, led by Indigenous facilitators, seeks to engage Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth to learn how to produce shows as a team and through a cultural lens.

Click to Learn More

Support Us

Dance is Magic, Dance is Medicine. Your support as a ticket buyer, member, board director, participant, donor, artist, sponsor quickens our ability to bring this innovative art form to Nanaimo. Together we hold a place for that which is innovative and inspiring, for that which stimulates dialogue and for that which is beautiful.

Click to Learn More

Crimson Coast Dance is thankful to have the support of the following funders:

City of Nanaimo Logo
Province of British Columbia Logo
British Columbia Arts Council Logo
Dance West Network logo
Vancouver Foundation Logo
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